Monday, January 25, 2010

postmodernism wrap up

This Blog is a little late because i was sick all weekend so now im trying to muster up the strength to get it done. All semester we've been discussing what postmdernism is all about. In 1984 we read how a society can manipulate reality. So we asked the question 'what IS reality' is our world controlled by the media, government or the people around us. The way i like to understand postmodernism is knowing that my ideas aren't necessarily wrong if they are not the 'right' way or the way of most everyone else. I really enjoyed reading what Jacques Derrida and Jim Powell said about the deconstruction of language, religion, and anything else that once defined me as a person. By establishing something as dominate it marginalizes everything else to 'less factual' or 'less worthy of attention'. Several examples come to mind of what is unnecessarily marginalized, but the ones that still effect me the most are the stereotypes givin to women. For centuries men were dominant and women were made to serve as a companion according to the bible. To me, I dont see how they are equal. Women were long marginalized by men. the postmodern era has given us some equality but not completely. Gender is a construction of society.
In Cat's Cradle, Angela says, " i wish Newt would take some lessons, so he could know for sure if he was doing something or not." This is one of my favorite quotes from the book because art isn't supposed to have a right way. Art is as postmodern as postmodernism should get... if that makes sense. Art should be an expression of mind and soul. To say your way of expressing your feelings is wrong then what IS right? There is no right. There is no right answer to anything. Virtually anything can be argued or replaced with an alternate answer.